
Showing posts from November, 2019

Broken Teeth, Maybe Some of the Habits Following the Trigger

Who doesn't want to have beautiful, neat, and charming teeth? Unfortunately it can not always be owned. In some cases, certain lifestyles, habits, and diseases can cause tooth decay. Oral health is considered as an indicator in determining overall body condition. Good oral health can prevent excessive bacterial development in the mouth. Conversely, lazy to maintain healthy teeth can increase the potential for infections and diseases in the mouth, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Habits That Can Result in Damaged Teeth To prevent tooth decay and deteriorating oral health, some of the actions below should be avoided. Chew on ice cubes Maybe you feel ice cubes will not damage teeth because it is free of sugar and made from natural ingredients. But the fact is, chewing on objects as hard and cold as ice cubes has the potential to cause teeth to crack. If you continue to do so, the soft tissues of the teeth become damaged so that you risk suffering from toothaches. To ch...

Potential Benefits of Basil, Healthy Vegetables that do not need to be Cooked

In Indonesia, basil is often used as a vegetable or as a supplement to food. Behind its fresh taste, it turns out these leaves save various health benefits. So, what are the benefits of basil leaves that you can get. Basil leaves that thrive in this tropical climate are usually used as a mixture of cooking ingredients. However, this plant is also believed to be traditional medicine. For example to treat burns, stomach aches, headaches, diarrhea, fever, insect bites, coughs, colds, reduce pain, and as an antibacterial. Unfortunately, medical research to prove the effectiveness of the benefits of basil is still very minimal. Nutrition Content of Basil Basil leaves contain several important nutrients needed by the body. Inside the fresh basil leaves are water, protein, carbohydrates, antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, and fiber. Not only that, basil leaves also contain other important nutrients, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folate, vitamins A, B, C, and ...

How to Choose a Good Sunblock

The selection of a good sunblock is important to optimize skin protection from the dangers of the sun. Basically, the use of sunblock is intended to dispel ultraviolet light so as not to damage the skin. Many conclude that choosing a good sunblock or sunblock depends on how much SPF it contains, even though the SPF content is only one of many other considerations. What is more recommended to do is to use sunblock regularly. In general, the ingredients of sunscreen products are divided into chemical and physical categories based on their working properties. Chemical sunscreens work by converting ultraviolet (UV) rays to heat, so they do not harm the skin. Conversely, physical sunscreen is able to reflect ultraviolet light so as not to damage skin cells. Wearing sunblock or sunblock should be done regularly, especially by people who have a lot of outdoor activities and are exposed to a lot of sun exposure. Changing the color of the skin becomes darker is the body's natural effor...

Prospective Fathers, Understand the Discomfort felt by Pregnant Women from Head to Toe

Pregnancy for some people is a blessing in itself. But still, in this blessing it takes a struggle because in fact pregnant women feel a variety of physical changes that may make their bodies less comfortable. Starting from head to toe, there is just a new sensation felt. Plus a variety of emotions that rage and change because of changes in various hormones during pregnancy. So it is not uncommon for this condition to trigger bickering in the household and invite stress to pregnant women if the husband does not understand very well what happened to his wife who is pregnant. Conversely, with the assistance of her husband, pregnant women can live their pregnancy more comfortably. Attention, support, understanding, and assistance of a husband can make a pregnant woman stronger in struggling during her pregnancy even to the day of delivery. Therefore, the husband needs to understand the discomfort of the wife during pregnancy as follows in order to help reduce her complaints. Complaint...

Mainstay menu in Kala Kesiangan for Breakfast

Some people often oversleep for breakfast, especially on weekends. Instead of waiting for lunch, we might prefer to prop up the stomach first aka eating brunch (breakfast-lunch or late breakfast). However, unfortunately the brunch calorie meal can jump up quickly and disrupt your diet program, especially when eating outside the home. For health reasons, you can still eat your oversized breakfast while still paying attention to certain menus and tips in order to minimize the effects that make it unhealthy. Here are some brunch menus that you can make yourself at home or buy outside. Omelette Eggs occupy the title of A in terms of nutrition because they contain a number of important nutrients, such as choline, vitamin B and vitamin D. So, it never hurts to make omelette contents. To make one serving of omelette, you need three eggs, but don't use all of the egg yolks. Use three parts of egg white and one part of egg yolk only. The goal is to reduce the amount of calorie intake...