Prospective Fathers, Understand the Discomfort felt by Pregnant Women from Head to Toe
Pregnancy for some people is a blessing in itself. But still, in this blessing it takes a struggle because in fact pregnant women feel a variety of physical changes that may make their bodies less comfortable. Starting from head to toe, there is just a new sensation felt. Plus a variety of emotions that rage and change because of changes in various hormones during pregnancy.
So it is not uncommon for this condition to trigger bickering in the household and invite stress to pregnant women if the husband does not understand very well what happened to his wife who is pregnant.
Conversely, with the assistance of her husband, pregnant women can live their pregnancy more comfortably. Attention, support, understanding, and assistance of a husband can make a pregnant woman stronger in struggling during her pregnancy even to the day of delivery. Therefore, the husband needs to understand the discomfort of the wife during pregnancy as follows in order to help reduce her complaints.
Complaints on the Head Area
Pregnant women must be prepared with changes that might cause complaints in the head area that can attack at any time. What are the obstacles that can arise? Let's look together.- Eat often with small portions. Don't forget to drink lots of water, especially during the day.
- When sleeping, lie on your side to the left to help blood circulation.
- Move slowly when changing positions, and often move when standing long.
Adequate sleep in general
Even though you have slept a lot, you might still feel tired. Many pregnant women who feel it in the first trimester of pregnancy. Take it easy, this is normal. This is the body's way of telling you that you need more rest. This feeling of fatigue will change to feeling fresh and energized in the second trimester, but will come again in the third trimester. As the stomach gets bigger, sleep can be more difficult because of increased body metabolism, frequent urination, fetal movements, and mother will often feel leg cramps at night. As a step to get around, you can try the following steps: - Sleep early. Try to take a nap if you feel you don't get enough sleep at night.
- Lying on the left side of the Mother.
- Apply regular sleep habits, such as hours of sleep and wake up. In addition, use the bed only for sleep and sex.
- Use a pillow to support your back, lower abdomen and knees.
- Squeeze the nose with the thumb and index finger for a few minutes to stop the bleeding.
- Exhale gently.
- Drink water.
- Check with your doctor if nosebleeds occur frequently and do not stop after a few minutes.
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