Prospective Fathers, Understand the Discomfort felt by Pregnant Women from Head to Toe

Pregnancy for some people is a blessing in itself. But still, in this blessing it takes a struggle because in fact pregnant women feel a variety of physical changes that may make their bodies less comfortable. Starting from head to toe, there is just a new sensation felt. Plus a variety of emotions that rage and change because of changes in various hormones during pregnancy. So it is not uncommon for this condition to trigger bickering in the household and invite stress to pregnant women if the husband does not understand very well what happened to his wife who is pregnant. Conversely, with the assistance of her husband, pregnant women can live their pregnancy more comfortably. Attention, support, understanding, and assistance of a husband can make a pregnant woman stronger in struggling during her pregnancy even to the day of delivery. Therefore, the husband needs to understand the discomfort of the wife during pregnancy as follows in order to help reduce her complaints.

Complaints on the Head Area

Pregnant women must be prepared with changes that might cause complaints in the head area that can attack at any time. What are the obstacles that can arise? Let's look together.


    During the mid to late pregnancy, pregnant women can feel dizzy at any time. The reason is the hormone progesterone which dilates blood vessels so that blood tends to gather in the legs. More blood also flows into the uterus to enlarge the uterus. As a result, blood pressure decreases and makes you dizzy, especially when changing positions. In addition, if the blood sugar level is too low, you can also feel weak. The handling steps include:
  • Eat often with small portions. Don't forget to drink lots of water, especially during the day.
  • When sleeping, lie on your side to the left to help blood circulation.
  • Move slowly when changing positions, and often move when standing long.

    Adequate sleep in general

    Even though you have slept a lot, you might still feel tired. Many pregnant women who feel it in the first trimester of pregnancy. Take it easy, this is normal. This is the body's way of telling you that you need more rest. This feeling of fatigue will change to feeling fresh and energized in the second trimester, but will come again in the third trimester. As the stomach gets bigger, sleep can be more difficult because of increased body metabolism, frequent urination, fetal movements, and mother will often feel leg cramps at night. As a step to get around, you can try the following steps:
  • Sleep early. Try to take a nap if you feel you don't get enough sleep at night.
  • Lying on the left side of the Mother.
  • Apply regular sleep habits, such as hours of sleep and wake up. In addition, use the bed only for sleep and sex.
  • Use a pillow to support your back, lower abdomen and knees.
  • Nasal problems

    Nasal congestion and nasal congestion are common during pregnancy. This is due to an increase in the amount of blood in the body and hormonal changes in your nasal tissue. Take the following steps to alleviate this kind of discomfort.
  • Squeeze the nose with the thumb and index finger for a few minutes to stop the bleeding.
  • Exhale gently.
  • Drink water.
  • Check with your doctor if nosebleeds occur frequently and do not stop after a few minutes.

Changes to the Mother Body

Similar to the area around the head, Mother will feel something that might have never before happened to the body. Ranging from mild symptoms to drastic physical changes.

    Changes in breast size and shape

    Most pregnant women experience breast changes, such as their size increases, causing pain and the breasts will feel harder. In addition to size, other changes occur in the color of the nipple which tends to darken, thick discharge or colostrum from the nipple, as well as bluish veins that appear bluer will be seen more clearly behind the skin. Normal breast changes occur due to mammary glands and fatty tissue in the enlarged breasts. Another cause is that blood supply also increases during pregnancy. To be more comfortable, you may need to replace a bra with a larger size. It is recommended to use a special breastfeeding bra made from cotton or other natural fibers. In addition, wash your breasts with warm water and mild soap for the skin while bathing.


    The growing uterus can make you feel achy or painful, especially in the groin area, thighs, stomach, and back. Many pregnant women also experience pain in the area near the pelvic bone due to pressure from the baby's head, weight gain, and joint loosening. Other complaints in the form of pain in the lower back area are also often complained of by pregnant women. This pain is usually complained of spreading to the back of one of the thighs, knees to the soles of the feet. This complaint is called sciatica, which is caused by uterine pressure on the sciatic nerve. Try to lie down and rest while warmly compressing the affected part to reduce pain. Contact your doctor if complaints of pain do not also decrease.


    Constipation is a disease that often haunts pregnant women. The symptoms can be seen from harder and drier stools, abdominal pain and frequency of bowel movements being less than three times each week. The reason is that high hormones during pregnancy make digestion slow and stomach muscles more relaxed. Go to a doctor if constipation doesn't go away. In addition, sufficient daily drinking water needs at least 8-10 glasses, consumption of fibrous foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruit, do not drink caffeine, and do not forget to exercise lightly.

    Frequent nausea or vomiting

    Again due to hormonal changes, Mother can find the body covered by discomfort. This time it is a very common and normal sensation of tummy in the stomach during pregnancy. Get ready to feel nausea and vomiting, commonly called morning sickness. But do not worry because this condition will subside with the approaching the age of four months of pregnancy. But in some cases, morning sickness can last throughout pregnancy. This condition might get worse in the morning, or when you haven't eaten, or when you haven't eaten enough. Call your doctor if vomiting occurs constantly or so badly that you don't get enough fluids or food. This can cause dehydration during pregnancy which can be dangerous and must be treated immediately.

    Itchy skin

    Pregnant women can feel itchy skin as the skin widens. To overcome this, try using a moisturizer or cocoa butter after bathing. Prioritize soaps that are soft or contain moisturizers to prevent loss of skin's natural moisture.

    Increased urination frequency

    Do not be surprised if intermittently pregnant women want to urinate. Bladder control problems that are common during pregnancy are caused by the fetus pressing the bladder area, urethra and pelvic floor muscles. Due to this pressure, pregnant women often feel like urinating. There are those who wet themselves when laughing, coughing, or sneezing. Therefore, do not forget to drink lots of water so as not to become dehydrated. Check with your doctor if you urinate suddenly accompanied by pain in case of infection.

Leg Cramps

One more thing that should be anticipated when she is pregnant is leg cramps. Usually, leg cramps are caused by changes in the way the body processes calcium. This condition generally occurs at night. Gently massage Mother's feet with your toes bent or ask your husband to help you massage. Also, to prevent cramps, try stretching your legs before going to bed. In addition to the discomfort conditions above, there are many more complaints that make pregnant women uncomfortable, depending on their individual conditions. Therefore, the husband needs more attention and understanding in dealing with his pregnant wife. There is no harm in the husband learning the technique of massaging pregnant women to help alleviate the discomfort experienced by his wife.


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