Broken Teeth, Maybe Some of the Habits Following the Trigger

Who doesn't want to have beautiful, neat, and charming teeth? Unfortunately it can not always be owned. In some cases, certain lifestyles, habits, and diseases can cause tooth decay. Oral health is considered as an indicator in determining overall body condition. Good oral health can prevent excessive bacterial development in the mouth. Conversely, lazy to maintain healthy teeth can increase the potential for infections and diseases in the mouth, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Habits That Can Result in Damaged Teeth

To prevent tooth decay and deteriorating oral health, some of the actions below should be avoided.
  • Chew on ice cubes

  • Maybe you feel ice cubes will not damage teeth because it is free of sugar and made from natural ingredients. But the fact is, chewing on objects as hard and cold as ice cubes has the potential to cause teeth to crack. If you continue to do so, the soft tissues of the teeth become damaged so that you risk suffering from toothaches. To change this habit, it is recommended to chew sugarless gum or consume drinks without ice.
  • Brushing teeth too hard

  • The good intentions of preventing tooth decay can end up with the opposite condition when done incorrectly. One of them is the habit of brushing teeth too hard which can damage tooth enamel. If the enamel is damaged, the tooth will be easily irritated so that it becomes more sensitive to drinks or cold food. Therefore, minimize the bad effects of this habit by using a soft bristled toothbrush.
  • Open the package with teeth

  • The main function of teeth is to bite and chew food to help the process of digestion in the stomach. So for those who like to open a drink bottle or tear a snack pack by being bitten, realize that it is not a dental task. If it is continuously done, the teeth can crack or even break.
  • Suck lemon or drink lemon juice

  • Apart from the good benefits it has, lemons also contain liquids with high acidity. It is feared to be able to remove calcium on the tooth surface.
  • Eat snacks often

  • Another habit that has the potential to cause tooth decay is to eat excessively snacks, especially foods that are sweet and contain lots of sugar. This habit can inhibit the production of saliva and make leftovers tucked between teeth. As a solution, do not snack too often and try snacks that are consumed containing low sugar and low starch.
  • Smoke

  • Besides making teeth yellow, smoking also increases plaque and tartar formation in the teeth. Plaque carries bacteria that can damage enamel. If not cleaned regularly, plaque can harden into tartar. Both plaque and tartar can cause tooth decay and cavities.
  • Take certain medications

  • Tooth decay can also be caused by consuming drugs. For the record, antihistamine drugs can cause dry mouth which will inhibit saliva production. One of the triggers for cavities is a disruption in the production of saliva. Therefore, if you are undergoing a healing process, it never hurts to ask your doctor about medications that have the potential to interfere with oral and dental health.
To keep your teeth healthy and undamaged, don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day and go to the dentist every six months for a periodic dental check.


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